Join me for a Christmas Procreate Tutorial and make a snowflake pattern with me!

This Christmas Procreate Tutorial shows you all the steps needed to make perfect snowflakes with 6 lines of symmetry and then turn them in to a seamless pattern.

I’ve even got a top Procreate hack for building in a half drop! You’ll get the tips and tricks you need to create a piece of Christmas art that you can share with family and friends. Follow along, step by step, and share the finished piece when you’re done! Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @bekkiflaherty

Join me for a Christmas Procreate Tutorial and make a snowflake pattern with me!

This Christmas Procreate Tutorial shows you all the steps needed to make perfect snowflakes with 6 lines of symmetry and then turn them in to a seamless pattern.

If you want to learn more ways to make patterns in Procreate then check out some of my other posts!

Don’t forget to subscribe for tutorials like this every week! Have fun, stay creative and I will see you next time!