Back again with the February drawing prompts!
Oh. My. Gosh.
To say I was a little overwhelmed by how many people jumped in on this challenge would be an understatement!
I have had such a flower filled month enjoying all of your beautiful floral creations! I’ve especially loved seeing all the different mediums used!
I’ve also really enjoyed nerding out on all the extra facts you guys have shared about all the different flowers and their properties! Even things like seeing what the common names are in other languages is fascinating to me!
So, please keep them coming! I know you’re all inspiring each other as much as you’re inspiring me and I hope you’re enjoying connecting with fellow “herb nerds” as @keelytylerart so perfectly put it!
For February we are headed to the other end of the globe and exploring Australian flora!
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in botany or in what is genuinely native to where other than what Google informs me!! Sooo please feel free to educate me further if I ever get these flower facts/regions wrong!! 🩷
(For week 1 I’ve drawn Zig-Zag Wattle, just because it has the coolest name, really 🙃 but there are other types of Wattle that you could also draw. Golden wattle, for example, is Australia’s national flower so feel free to choose your own wattle that week! 😂)

There are no real “rules” with this challenge except to have fun and stay creative!
You can dip in and out whenever you like and post whenever you like.
Don’t forget to share a screenshot of the prompts with your image and tag me so I can share your all your beautiful florals in my stories!
I’m trying to make sure I don’t miss any, but I’ve noticed that there are some I see for the first time when I click on the hashtag, that even have me tagged in them, but did not appear in my notifications. And I know that Instagram now only shows a selection of posts on a hashtag rather than all of them, sooo if I’ve missed yours I am really sorry!
Use whatever medium you like whether that’s digital or tactile art. You can draw, letter, pattern and interpret the prompts in any way you like as long as you have fun doing it! Have fun with the February drawing prompts and I will see you again next month!