Let’s make a geometric diamond pattern in procreate!
Creating intricate designs in Procreate doesn’t always require advanced drawing skills! In fact, with a little clever maths and the right blend mode, you can achieve exciting results using the simple snapping tools. In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through the process of making a striking geometric diamond pattern, all done with filled shapes, snapping, and bit of magic—no drawing required! We’ll also take it a step further by using blend modes to add a multifaceted effect that brings the pattern to life. And to make things even easier, you can get the same colour palette as I used, from The Pattern Maker’s Toolkit to help you recreate the exact same look.

You can find the Pattern Maker Canvas over in my Etsy Store. If you’re a member of The Pattern Maker’s Toolkit , you can get 10% off everything in my Etsy store.
Here’s what you can look forward to when you join The Pattern Maker’s Toolkit:
- You get full access to all the goodies in the Resource Library. You can find Procreate Brushes and Palettes, Templates and mockups in there.
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If you enjoyed making this geometric diamond pattern in Procreate, don’t forget to like and subscribe over on YouTube for more tips and tricks every week.
Have fun, stay creative and I will see you soon!