Heyy! 👋🏻 So I decided to start recording myself doing a little bit of drawing every day and share the time lapses here and over on YouTube! I love watching other people draw so I figured you might enjoy watching me too! Today I drew a quick pink daisy pattern. This is how I design all my patterns in Procreate, although I will always keep a copy of the layers intact and then put the pattern together in Photoshop using smart objects. (I have a Skillshare class on this if you want to find out more!)
I’m not promising to be able to record one every single day, but we’ll see how it goes! Not least because I prefer drawing whilst snuggled up on the sofa and not at a desk, trying to avoid leaning in front of the overhead camera!!

Watch me make a super simple pink daisy pattern in the video below!
I hope you enjoyed watching. (The time lapse is at double speed, so if you want to slow it down and watch it at real time you can set the play speed to 0.5x)
Want to download the flower stamp brush I used? You can find it in the Freebie Library!

Let me know if you have any ideas for patterns you’d like to see me draw!
Have fun, stay creative and I will see you next time!