Let’s make some easy rainbow stripes in Procreate!
Welcome to my latest Procreate tutorial! Today, we’re diving into the vibrant and colourful world of rainbow stripes!. If you’ve ever wondered how to create eye-catching designs with rainbow stripes, you’re in the right place. In this tutorial, I’ll guide you step-by-step through the process of making a seamless rainbow stripe pattern in Procreate, featuring two distinct versions. Plus, stick around for an exciting twist at the end where we’ll use blend modes to add an extra layer of creativity to your design.
Whether you’re a beginner looking to expand your digital art skills or an experienced Procreate user searching for new techniques, this tutorial has something for everyone. To make things even easier, I’ve provided a free palette that you can download from my website. This will help you follow along and create your own vibrant masterpiece.
So, grab your iPad, open up Procreate, and let’s get started on transforming your designs with the magic of rainbow stripes! Don’t forget to share your creations and let me know how you enjoyed the tutorial. Happy creating!

If you enjoyed making these rainbow stripes in Procreate, don’t forget to like and subscribe over on YouTube for more tips and tricks every week.
Have fun, stay creative and I will see you soon!