I make almost all of my patterns in Procreate and then put them together in Photoshop. I LOVE using soft textured brushes in Procreate. Cool to draw lines with and get those lovely rough edges, but not so much fun for filling in, right?
Because you get those wooly edges that just won’t fill all the way no matter how much you turn up the threshold!
So then you have to trace over the gaps by hand any it is really tedious!
I normally draw all my motifs, one colour per layer & then add shading and texture over the top of each one, so I have to fill all those fill gaps in before I can do any shading.
If I have a lot to do, it is quicker to send the PSD over to photoshop, fill them there with the more advanced selection options and then send the psd back over to Procreate to finish off.
However it’s a bit of a pain to save as a PSD & transfer half way through a project, fill in the gaps & then send back over to your iPad to carry on doing the shading etc.
Sooo… now I do the shading on a clipped layer above the plain, not properly filled motifs, then combine it all in photoshop later after I have quickly filled the gaps with photoshop.
That way I can keep working, stay in the flow and I still get perfectly filled and shaded motifs at the end!
I have even set up an action so I can do it all with one click/button! I hope it saves you time too and speeds up your workflow!
Watch more of my videos on YouTube.

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Happy creating!